Natural Spring Water is water that flows naturally to the surface. The spring itself must be pure and the watershed must be original and undisturbed. Then, the springs water source must be sanitized and sealed at the bed rock. Only then can it be bottled with the NCSWA Seal and be sold as real NC Natural Spring Water. Once a natural spring has passed all State and Federal Rules and Guidelines, it can be bottled and sold!

“If it wears the seal then it’s real”
Why does a consumer want to seek out this water? First, it is the only water that won’t suck the aquifer dry if a drought occurs, possibly causing your well to go dry. Second, it’s simply the best-tasting, purest form of water you can drink!
Our Members
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Membership Info
Join the NCSWA, protect the natural resource of natural spring water!
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Spring Water Defined
In September 1991, the North Carolina Board of Agriculture adopted rules that defined well water and spring water: The effective date for these rules was April 1, 1992.
Spring Water in North Carolina is ground water that freely flows to the earth’s surface without mechanical aid. Well Water originates from holes that are cored, bored, dilled, jetted, dug or otherwise constructed to tap an aquifer through which water is derived by mechanical aid.
Several administrative steps were taken by various parties to block implementation of these rules. At its meeting on March 19, 1992, the Board of Agriculture heard additional testimony and then reaffirmed its support of the original rules. The board acted in favor of truth in labeling for consumers.

247 Willow Springs Cv.
Hendersonville, NC 28739
PH: (828) 779-5600
PH: (828) 779-5600

“If it wears the seal then it’s real”